
Testout pc pro troubleshoot pc
Testout pc pro troubleshoot pc

testout pc pro troubleshoot pc

The static IP address and subnet mask are configured with theThe static IP address and subnet mask are configured with the wrong network wrong network Which of the following is the MOST likely cause of the issue?Which of the following is the MOST likely cause of the issue? Link light on the NIC is lit, but the laptop can't communicatelink light on the NIC is lit, but the laptop can't communicate with any hosts on the local network. Question 2:Question 2: IncorrectIncorrectĪ laptop has a wired connection to the network and is configurA laptop has a wired connection to the network and is configured with a static IP address. TestOut PC Pro - 6 Network TroubleshootingTestOut PC Pro - 6 Network Troubleshooting Would help isolate the problem help isolate the problem.Ī bad cable would only affect the computer that it was connectA bad cable would only affect the computer that it was connected to, but all computers areed to, but all computers areĮxperiencing slow transfer speeds slow transfer speeds. If the problem is a bad NIC, already knowing whether the netwoIf the problem is a bad NIC, already knowing whether the network device is a hub or switchrk device is a hub or switch The problem is unlikely to be a bad port on the network device,The problem is unlikely to be a bad port on the network device, which would only affect one which would only affect one Monitoring tools to help determine whether one computer hasmonitoring tools to help determine whether one computer has a bad NIC. If the device is a switch, it will have device is a switch, it will have If thecausing too many collisions and overwhelming the hub. Most likely, the device is a hub, and the added computers areub, and the added computers areĬausing too many collisions and overwhelming the hub. Most likely, the device is a hcollisions or a chattering NIC. The root cause could be too manyhe root cause could be too manyĬollisions or a chattering NIC. TThe problem is, most likely, caused by network contention. The problem is, most likely, caused by network contention. Use a cable tester to determine whether all cables between eaUse a cable tester to determine whether all cables between each computer and thech computer and theĭevice are good are good. Use a loopback plug to determine whether the NIC in each compuUse a loopback plug to determine whether the NIC in each computer is good is good. Use a loopback plug to determine whether each port on the netwUse a loopback plug to determine whether each port on the network device is good device is good.ĭetermine whether the network device is a hub or a switch whether the network device is a hub or a switch. Which of the following is the FIRST step in troubleshooting tWhich of the following is the FIRST step in troubleshooting this problem?his problem? The device begins to experience slow transfer speeds device begins to experience slow transfer speeds. View results by:View results by: Objective AnalysisObjective Analysis Individual ResponsesIndividual Responses Individual ResponsesIndividual ResponsesĪfter several new computers are connected to a network devicAfter several new computers are connected to a network device, every computer connected toe, every computer connected to Login: khoubateLogin: khoubate Overall PerformanceOverall Performance Candidate: Houbate, KhalidCandidate: Houbate, Khalid

Testout pc pro troubleshoot pc